Saturday, July 25, 2009

Beaver Museum, Alberta. We stopped for the first time since the border at a free museum where there was cold water & alot to see. Marigold & I are so happy to be here; actually I think we all are.

Great Falls, Montana. Although we would have liked to stay longer, we were only in Great Falls for 2 days. We stayed at a K.O.A. that had a water park, & although the water was only 1.5 feet deep, we had fun playing& sliding. On the last day we invited some of our new friends for a game night. Now we are off to Alberta.

Hi again, sorry its been awhile. We just left Wyoming & entered Montana & we'll stay here 1 night & then go further north to Great Falls.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Terry Bison Ranch,Wyoming. We stayed on the Ranch for 5 days that were filled with fun. Besides the wonderful witnessing, we had a chance to do things that we never imagined. There were horses, lamas, goats, rodeo bulls, Shetland ponies, & donkeys. We meet a sweet man that had 2 horses & he let us ride one. We also got to eat home made ice cream & Bison Burgers, & go to the cinema which was the Lord's love for us. Anyway besides having a blast, we're very thankful & can't wait to go back to Cheyenne & visit the sweet people we met.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Another flat tire 5 minutes into Wyoming, & about 15 minutes away from the Terry Bison Ranch. Thanks again Dad, Phil, & Simon.

Camping at another State Park in Nebraska. We didn't have a water hook-up, but that's okay because there was alot of mulberries. Phil, Katrina, Jamie, Robin, Aime, & I had a chance to go fishing.

At a rest stop along the way to Lincon, Nebraska.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Here is a cool picture of us in Iowa. People here are extremely sweet. We stayed at the Timberline Campground which had a pool, recreation hall, park, & volly ball court. We had a blast here.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

We stayed 2 nights in Indiana at a State Park that was right by a lake. There were so many blackberries that you could be there for the next decade & still not run out. Carmel, Katrina, Marigold, Aime, Phil, Jamie, & I spent hours picking & eating berries & Mom even made fresh jam for us. Simon & Pheobe camped right next to us. It is fun to be out doors.

In the U.S. finally. We stopped to provision, tank up, & stretch our legs.

The campground we stayed at before crossing the U.S. border. Most of the day we were out fundraising, but there was lots to do. We even had a chance to pet horses at the stables next door.

On our way to London we had a flat tire, & it took us almost 2 hours to fix it. A ton of thanks to Dad other wise we'd still be there.